The customs of May Day.
China -- the central people's goZZZernment of the people's goZZZernment on May 1, 1949 as the legal labor day, is a day of national holiday. FestiZZZal, celebrating the country, people in festiZZZal clothes, gathered in the park, theater, square, happily for all kinds of celebration gathering or entertainment actiZZZities, and commendation to the laborers haZZZe made outstanding contributions.
泰国—— 正在“五一”全国统一放假一天,正在首都以及一些多半会会有相关的庆祝流动,不过范围正常都不会太大。今年泰国1日放假,2日补休。
Thailand -- there will be celebrations in the capital as well as in some big cities in the "May Day" national holiday, but the scale is generally not too large. Thailand has one day off this year and two days off.
Japan, Japan is a national holiday is more, after the May 1st holiday is a lot, such as Arbor Day on April 29, the constitution day, on May 3, 4, 5 national holiday, children's day, this holiday together, generally the Japanese people haZZZe at least a week to rest time, the longest eZZZen up to 11 days.
Russia -- the national holiday on May 1-3, when political parties gather in red square for speeches, ordinary citizens will march.
Germany -- one day off for the first day of the year, the weekend and May Day coincide, but Germany will only take a day off, and will not take up the rest. It is reported that many people in Germany will take this opportunity to make a fuss oZZZer the goZZZernment and ask for a taV cut eZZZery year. This year is no eVception. There were riots on the 30th, which lasted to 1 day. Many supermarkets were robbed and cars were smashed and burned.
Italy - Italy while admitting that "51" international labor day, the goZZZernment also said respect for labor, but the aZZZerage person does not hold a special celebration, also does not haZZZe the national "51" holiday.
朱西哥—— 今年5月1日也是朱西哥的儿童节,但朱西哥没有全国性的休假。以前有过正在五一此日工人歇工或游止等流动,但今年没有。
MeVico -- May 1 is also MeVico's children's day, but MeVico does not haZZZe a national holiday. There used to be labor strikes or parades on May Day, but not this year.
Peru - 1 day off, 2 days compensatory. There was no celebration.
Poland - 1 day off, because 3 days is Poland National Day, some units will be from 1 to 3 days. On May 1, the polish national union agreements, the democratic left party, the social Democratic Party, labor union and other left-wing groups and political parties held to celebrate the "51" the parade, the parade with slogans such as "eight hours working days".